How to Find Out if Someone Has Life Insurance Australia

Life Insurance Banner - Close up of a woman on her laptop next to the kitchen

If you’re trying to find out if someone has life insurance in Australia, there are a few ways to go about it. Perhaps you’re an executor of a will, or you suspect that a loved one may have had a life insurance policy but didn’t leave any documentation. Whatever your reason, knowing how to find […]

Private Health Insurance vs. Medicare 

Health Insurance Banner - Young woman undergoing laser eye surgery

As an Australian, it’s important to understand the differences between private health insurance and Medicare. While both provide health coverage, they also have distinct differences that can impact your healthcare costs and access to services. If you’re unsure about how these two types of health cover differ, you can explore the benefits, inclusions and costs […]

Life Insurance vs. Health Insurance

Life Insurance Banner - Young woman driving a car

There are many different insurance options available for you and your family to help cover you for a range of potential events. The two main choices Australians have for personal cover are life insurance and health insurance, and while they’re both important and each has a range of advantages, it’s worth understanding how they work […]

Life Insurance Surrender Value

Life Insurance Banner - Woman sitting on the couch on her laptop with her dog

Life insurance policies with surrender values were popular with individuals in Australia for a long time. However, with the introduction of mandatory superannuation for most workers and the popularity of term life insurance, many Australians today may not have heard of a surrender value. You can find out more about what surrender values are and […]

Health Insurance For 870 Visa

health insurance banner senior parents

Are you considering sponsoring your parents for a visit to Australia on an 870 visa? If so, you’ll need to buy health insurance to comply with your visa conditions. Savvy can help you compare your options and find health insurance coverage suitable for your needs.  By comparing with us, you can receive a range of […]

Comparison Rate Warning

A comparison rate is a calculation used to more accurately reflect the true interest rate of a loan by incorporating some of the fees and charges which come with it. For home loans and any other finance secured against real property, comparison rates are based on a secured credit of $150,000 and a term of […]

Scam and Fraud Warning

Scams and fraudulent activities are becoming increasingly common and pose a significant threat to individuals both within Australia and throughout the world. These activities can take the form of phishing scams, in which consumers receive fraudulent calls, emails or messages asking for personal information or financial details. They may also involve the use of fake […]


At Savvy, we’re dedicated to resolving complaints in a fair, appropriate and timely manner. Our complaint process is simple, allowing you to submit your complaint online, by email, over the phone, or by sending us a letter. To make a complaint, please use the following contact details: Email: [email protected] Phone: 1300 974 066 Write to: […]

Silver Health Insurance

Are you wondering if a silver health insurance policy is the right level of health insurance for your needs? It may offer the best health insurance cover available in Australia to a wide range of people, but it’s worth comparing different policies to help you determine which is most suitable for your personal needs. You […]

Customised Health Insurance

Health Insurance Banner - Young woman sitting at her desk looking at customised health insurance on her laptop

We all like to be able to choose how we spend our money, and when it comes to health insurance this is particularly important, as our health needs are all so different! Some private health cover policies now let you customise and decide how to spend your benefit allowance, giving you more flexibility and choice.  […]