
Pet Insurance for Birman Cats

Birman cats, with their striking blue eyes and sweet temperament, are a beloved breed among cat enthusiasts. Learn more about this breed, common health conditions and potential pet insurance costs with Savvy today!

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, updated on September 11th, 2023       

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Price range

$500 – $2,500





Coat length


Life expectancy

12–16 years


Affectionate, gentle, sociable



Suitable for

Families, individual, seniors



Birman cats are a captivating breed known for their striking appearance and sweet nature. These cats originated in Burma and were believed to be temple companions to Burmese priests and monks. Birmans are characterised by their long, silky fur, deep blue almond-shaped eyes and a distinctive colour-point pattern similar to Siamese cats.

Known for their gentle and sociable disposition, Birmans make wonderful companions for families and individuals alike. They are affectionate, often seeking out human company, and enjoy being part of a warm and loving household. Birmans are also known for their playful nature and can be quite entertaining with their charming antics.

Common Birman cat diseases and conditions

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): Birmans are prone to HCM, a genetic heart condition that thickens the heart's walls, potentially leading to heart failure. Symptoms may include lethargy, coughing and laboured breathing. Although there’s no cure, medications can help manage the condition.
  • Congenital hypotrichosis: this rare genetic condition in Birmans leads to abnormal hair growth. Affected kittens have little to no hair and may have a compromised immune system, which can be fatal. 
  • Haemophilia B: Birmans can inherit haemophilia B, a severe blood clotting disorder primarily affecting males. It can lead to life-threatening bleeding. screening for this condition is essential before breeding or any medical procedures.
  • FIP susceptibility: Birmans may be more susceptible to feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), an infection that can become fatal. It damages blood vessels and causes fluid buildup, with no known cure.
  • Eye problems: Birmans are prone to eye issues like cataracts (treatable with surgery), eyelid agenesis (requires reconstructive surgery) and corneal sequestration (early detection is key to prevention or surgical treatment). Regular veterinary eye exams are recommended to catch and manage these conditions.

How much does pet insurance cost for a Birman cat?

Several factors can influence the cost of pet insurance for your Birman cat, including:

  • Age: premiums often increase as cats age due to higher health risks. For younger Birmans, especially kittens, premiums are often lower because they are less likely to have pre-existing conditions or age-related health problems.
  • Coverage: the type of insurance coverage you choose significantly impacts the premium. Comprehensive plans offer broader protection but come with higher premiums, while accident-only plans are more budget-friendly but provide limited coverage.
  • Pre-existing conditions: cats with existing medical issues may face higher premiums, and some insurers might exclude coverage for specific ailments.
  • Geographical location: veterinary care expenses can vary by location, with urban areas generally associated with higher costs compared to rural regions.
  • Discounts and offers: some insurers offer discounts for multi-pet policies, bundling plans or enrolling your pet at a young age.

Types of pet insurance you can choose from

Why compare pet insurance with Savvy?

Common questions about Birman cats

Are Birman cats suitable for indoor living?

Birman cats can adapt well to indoor living, but they enjoy having access to safe outdoor spaces or supervised outdoor time. Providing them with stimulating toys and interactive play can keep them content indoors.

How often should I groom my Birman cat?

Birmans have long, silky fur that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and reduce shedding. Brushing them a few times a week is recommended to maintain their coat's health.

Can Birman cats be left alone?

Birman cats should not be left alone for extended periods, as they thrive on social interaction and mental stimulation. Having a companion or arranging playtime when you’re away is essential.

Can I let my Birman cat outdoors?

Allowing your Birman cat outdoors requires careful consideration, as they may be more vulnerable to certain risks due to their affectionate and trusting nature. Supervised outdoor time with a harness and leash or secure outdoor enclosures can provide a safer outdoor experience for them.

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