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Scams and fraudulent activities are becoming increasingly common and pose a significant threat to individuals both within Australia and throughout the world.
These activities can take the form of phishing scams, in which consumers receive fraudulent calls, emails or messages asking for personal information or financial details. They may also involve the use of fake websites which appear to be genuine but are designed to steal sensitive information.
It is important to be aware of these scams and take measures to protect yourself. Please note that our organisation never engages in cold calls and will never ask for sensitive information, such as bank account details or passwords, via email or phone. If you receive any such calls or emails, please do not provide any information and report the incident to us immediately.
To stay safe, we recommend that you always verify the authenticity of any communication you receive and check the sender's details before responding. Additionally, be wary of unsolicited messages and do not click on any links or download any attachments from unknown sources.
Phishing sites will typically have a different domain name in the URL, meaning they cannot appear with a URL beginning with (which is what all pages on our site begin with). Instead, they may make subtle changes, such as adding another letter to make it “savvvy”.
Remember that safeguarding your personal and financial information is crucial in protecting yourself from scams and frauds. If you have any concerns or suspect that you may have been a victim of fraud, please contact us immediately at [email protected].
Quantum Savvy Pty Ltd (ABN 78 660 493 194) trades as Savvy and operates as an Authorised Credit Representative 541339 of Australian Credit Licence 414426 (AFAS Group Pty Ltd, ABN 12 134 138 686). We are one of Australia’s leading financial comparison sites and have been helping Australians make savvy decisions when it comes to their money for over a decade.
We’re partnered with lenders, insurers and other financial institutions who compensate us for business initiated through our website. We earn a commission each time a customer chooses or buys a product advertised on our site, which you can find out more about here, as well as in our credit guide for asset finance. It’s also crucial to read the terms and conditions, Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or credit guide of our partners before signing up for your chosen product. However, the compensation we receive doesn’t impact the content written and published on our website, as our writing team exercises full editorial independence.
For more information about us and how we conduct our business, you can read our privacy policy and terms of use.
© Copyright 2025 Quantum Savvy Pty Ltd T/as Savvy. All Rights Reserved.
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