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At Savvy, we’re dedicated to resolving complaints in a fair, appropriate and timely manner. Our complaint process is simple, allowing you to submit your complaint online, by email, over the phone, or by sending us a letter.
To make a complaint, please use the following contact details:
When making a complaint, please ensure that you provide us with the following information:
In some instances, we may require additional information from you to effectively address and resolve your complaint. This may be necessary to ensure that we have a comprehensive understanding of the situation and can take appropriate action.
Internal dispute resolution
Once we receive your complaint, the following steps will be taken internally:
External dispute resolution
In the unlikely event we cannot resolve your complaint in a satisfactory manner, or you have not received a response from us after 30 days, you can escalate your complaint to the below Ombudsman, a free and independent dispute resolution service provider.
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) Limited
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678
Fax: (03) 9613 6399
Email: [email protected]
Interpreter service: 131 450
National Relay Services:
You can lodge any complaints online via the AFCA website.
It's important to note that the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) cannot investigate a complaint until we have had the opportunity to address it ourselves and a minimum of 30 days has passed. This means that we must first be given the chance to respond to your concerns before escalating the matter to the AFCA.
If you require assistance with lodging your complaint, please let us know. We can arrange access to translation services, text telephone (TTY) and the National Relay Service (NRS), as well as provide a copy of this policy in a different language or format.
Quantum Savvy Pty Ltd (ABN 78 660 493 194) trades as Savvy and operates as an Authorised Credit Representative 541339 of Australian Credit Licence 414426 (AFAS Group Pty Ltd, ABN 12 134 138 686). We are one of Australia’s leading financial comparison sites and have been helping Australians make savvy decisions when it comes to their money for over a decade.
We’re partnered with lenders, insurers and other financial institutions who compensate us for business initiated through our website. We earn a commission each time a customer chooses or buys a product advertised on our site, which you can find out more about here, as well as in our credit guide for asset finance. It’s also crucial to read the terms and conditions, Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or credit guide of our partners before signing up for your chosen product. However, the compensation we receive doesn’t impact the content written and published on our website, as our writing team exercises full editorial independence.
For more information about us and how we conduct our business, you can read our privacy policy and terms of use.
© Copyright 2025 Quantum Savvy Pty Ltd T/as Savvy. All Rights Reserved.
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