
Couples Health Insurance

Compare a range of couples health insurance policies online through Savvy today.
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Couples Health Insurance

Compare a range of couples health insurance policies online through Savvy today.
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Last updated
March 13th, 2025

Why compare health insurance through Savvy?

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We’ve partnered with Compare Club to bring you a range of health insurance policies to compare side by side.

There comes an exciting time in every relationship when finances are combined, and plans are made as a couple rather than as two singles. If you’re at this stage, you may be considering couples health insurance? You may be wondering what the benefits are, and if it would be a cheaper option for you and your partner? 

You can compare a range of health insurance policies for couples here through Savvy. By providing just a little information about yourselves and the health insurance you’re looking for, you could have multiple insurance quotes from our partner’s trusted panel of insurers to compare instantly. Consider your 100% free quotes here with Savvy to help you find the best couples health insurance policy among our panel today! 

What is a couples health insurance policy?

A couples health insurance policy provides cover to two people rather than one. Each person receives the same level of cover and benefits from the policy, but there is only one premium paid. It’s generally designed for married or de facto couples, but in almost every other way works the same way as a singles health insurance policy.  

There are three types of couples health insurance policies available: 

Private hospital cover 

An appropriate hospital cover policy allows the policyholders to be treated as private patients in either a private or public hospital. It may also give you more choice about which doctor treats you, and can help avoid public hospital waiting lists. Depending on the level of cover you take out, it can cover:

  • Hospital accommodation costs 
  • Theatre fees and recovery ward costs 
  • Private room costs, including meals 
  • Fees charged by doctors, anaesthetists and surgeons
  • Drugs and pharmaceuticals provided to a patient whilst admitted  
  • Tests and scans performed on a patient whilst admitted, such as blood tests, x-rays, CT and MRI scans
  • Palliative care
  • Ambulance cover (not included in all hospital cover, as some states offer their own ambulance cover) 
  • Cost of any follow-up rehabilitation services required such as pain management or speech therapy

Such hospital cover is available in four tiers: basic, bronze, silver and gold. The minimum level of cover these tiers represent is legislated by the Australian Government, making it easy for the public to compare policies. The cost of a hospital policy will rise as the number of services and clinical categories covered increases. For example, a basic policy will only cover three clinical categories of treatment and is the cheapest health insurance option, whereas the highest level of cover available – gold tier – offers top coverage for all available categories in exchange for the steepest premium. 

Extras cover 

Extras cover (also known as ancillary or general cover) helps pay for treatments and services provided outside of a hospital setting, particularly those not covered by Medicare, such as:

  • Optical (glasses, contact lenses) 
  • Dental treatment (both general and major dental) 
  • Audiology services (hearing tests, hearing aids and devices)
  • Physiotherapy (for joint and muscle pain) 
  • Chiropractic treatment (for back and neck pain) 
  • Podiatry (for foot pain and injuries) 
  • Remedial massage (massage therapy to aid a range of conditions) 
  • Speech therapy (for speech and language difficulties)

Just like hospital cover, extras cover comes in different packages, depending on whether basic, cheap cover or a top-level policy which offers a high level of benefits is required. The policy offering a higher level of benefits will usually cost more, which is why it is a good idea to compare policies through Savvy frequently. 

In addition, extras cover typically comes with benefit limits for each category of cover. For example, the policy may have a policy benefit limit of $5,000 per year for major dental. In a couples policy, these benefit limits are often shared between both parties at say $2,500 each.   

Combined policies 

A combined couples policy includes both hospital cover and extras cover in one bundle. It provides the same sort of cover as buying these two types of insurance separately.

What isn’t covered by couples health insurance?  

There are several common exclusions which apply to many types of health insurance.

For hospital cover, these exclusions may possibly include: 

  • Medical procedures not considered medically necessary 
  • Assisted reproductive services (depending on the level of cover chosen)
  • Hip and knee replacements and other joint surgery (depending on the level of cover chosen)
  • Most x-rays, MRIs, CT scans and blood tests performed on outpatients 

For extras cover, exclusions may include: 

  • Laser eye surgery (depending on the level of cover chosen)
  • Some alternative medicines and therapies 
  • Hypnotherapy (depending on the level of cover chosen)

What factors will determine how much a couples health insurance policy costs?

The factors that will affect the cost of your health insurance policy include: 

  • The type of insurance you choose to buy (hospital cover is generally more expensive than extras cover) 
  • The level of cover you go for – with higher services and limits equating to more expensive premiums 
  • The excess you choose (plus co-payment contributions) 
  • Your age (and whether you qualify for an age discount, such as if you’re a young couple under 30) 
  • How much you receive from the Australian Government through the private health insurance rebate scheme 
  • If you have to pay the Medicare Levy Surcharge if you choose not to have cover
  • Whether you are also required to pay a Lifetime Health Cover loading  

How to compare health insurance policies for couples

The types of health insurance

Common questions about health insurance for couples

If we have a couples health insurance policy, what happens if we split up?

If you do decide to separate as a couple, you will have to choose whether you continue to pay for your health insurance together or swap your policy for two separate singles policies. If you’ve paid your couples premium in advance, you may be able to get a refund for the unused portion of your cover. If you buy the same level of cover as a single, you may not have to re-serve waiting periods.

Do we both have to pay for our joint health insurance to qualify for the health insurance rebate?

Both parties covered by a couples policy will receive a private health insurance statement at tax time stating the number of days they were covered by health insurance for tax purposes. This will allow each eligible person to claim their health insurance rebate entitlement. Alternatively you can provide an estimate of your combined income to your health insurer and they'll apply your rebate as a reduction to your premium payments. Therefore, it doesn’t matter which bank account the premiums are paid from.

If we have a couples health insurance policy, can we add a baby to our policy?

This will depend on the terms and conditions of the couples policy you have purchased. Most insurers allow require you to switch to a family health insurance policy before the birth.

How does lifetime health cover loading work with a couples health insurance policy?

A couples policy provides the same benefits as if the couple had two separate singles policies. Each person will be deemed to have had adequate health insurance for tax purposes for the duration of the time they’ve held a couples policy. This policy will count towards your lifetime health loading just as any other form of health insurance would. However, if you do have to pay a health cover loading, that loading can be averaged out between the two parties. For example, if you have a loading of 10% and your partner has a 6% loading, the loading applied to the couples policy as a whole can be averaged to 8%.

Helpful guides on health insurance


We're here to help you find the most affordable options, so there's no better way to compare health insurance and rates than right here, all in one place.


Savvy is partnered with Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd (AFS representative number 001279036) of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (AFS License number 486326) to provide readers with a variety of health insurance policies to compare. Savvy earns a commission from Compare Club each time a customer buys a health insurance policy via our website. We don’t arrange for products to be purchased from these brands directly, as all purchases are conducted via Compare Club.

Savvy’s comparison service is provided by Compare Club. Compare Club compares selected products from a panel of trusted insurers and does not compare all products in the market.

Any advice presented above or on other pages is general in nature and doesn’t consider your personal or business objectives, needs or finances. It’s always important to consider whether advice is suitable for you before purchasing an insurance policy.

For any further information on the variety of insurers compared by Compare Club or how their business works, you can read their Financial Services Guide.

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