Home / Calculate your repayments
Our finance calculators help you budget better by showing repayments for each month, fortnight or week depending on your preference.
Car Calculators
Car loan calculator
Discover how much you can borrow and calculate your weekly, fortnightly or monthly car loan repayments with this calculator.
Chattel mortgage calculator
Calculate the total amount you’ll pay for your chattel mortgage and how much interest you’ll pay with this chattel mortgage calculator.
Car leasing calculator
Work out what your repayments, plus see how your loan balance will reduce with this car leasing calculator.
Leisure Calculators
Boat loan calculator
Work out how much your repayments will be either weekly, monthly or fortnightly and the total interest you’ll pay for your boat loan.
Motorbike loan calculator
Find out the interest paid on your motorbike loan and see what your repayments might be either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
JetSki loan calculator
Find out how much your jetski will really cost you, the interest you’ll pay and calculate your repayments with this handy jetski calculator.
Caravan loan calculator
Work out what your monthly, fortnightly or weekly repayments will be, plus the interest you’ll pay with this caravan loan calculator.
Commercial & Business loan Calculators
Equipment finance calculator
Workout your weekly or monthly repayments using our free equipment finance repayments calculator for your commercial loan.
Truck loan calculator
Reveal how much you might pay for your truck loan, either weekly, fortnightly or monthly, with this useful truck loan calculator.
Aircraft loan calculator
Find out how much your aircraft loan will cost and what your repayments will be in a specified time period with our calculator.
Business loan calculator
Find out how much your business loan will cost you overall, and how much your repayments will be with this business loan calculator.
Personal loan Calculators
Personal loan repayments calculator
Calculate your personal loan repayments either weekly, fortnightly or monthly using our easy-to-use repayment calculator.
Personal loan borrowing power calculator
Find out how much you can borrow based on your income and expenses with this borrowing power calculator.
Mortgage Calculators
Home loan repayments calculator
Looking to buy your dream home? Calculate your weekly, fortnightly or monthly home loan repayments using our handy calculator.
Borrowing power calculator
Calculate how much you may be able to borrow based on your income and outgoings and disposable income with this borrowing power calculator.
Interest only calculator
Considering an interest-only mortgage? Use our calculator to find out what your repayments will be either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Stamp duty calculator
No matter which state you live in, find out how much stamp duty you’ll pay on the purchase of your property with our calculator.
Comparison rate calculator
Compare home loans side by side, including account fees and charges, and see which one will be cheaper with this comparison rate calculator.
Lump sum repayment calculator
Find out how quickly you can pay off your home loan by making regular lump sum repayments – this calculator will show you the results.
How long to repay calculator
Work out how long it will take you to repay a loan depending on the repayments you make and their frequency.
Split loan calculator
If you split your home loan into variable and fixed interest rate portions, this split loan calculator will give you all the stats you need.
Home loan offset calculator
Offsetting your home loan can save your thousands in interest payments – this offset calculator will show you how much you can save.
Introductory rate loan calculator
If your home loan offer gives you an introductory rate on your home loan, our calculator will tell you how much you can save.
Loan comparison calculator
Compare the cost of two loans side-by-side, including fees and charges, and find out which one is cheapest with our calculator.
Property buying cost calculator
Effortlessly see all the costs of buying a property including stamp duty and lender’s fees and government charges.
Property selling cost calculator
Make sure you’re prepared for all the costs involved in selling a house by using this comprehensive property selling cost calculator.
Reverse mortgage calculator
You can quickly find out how much you can gain by accessing the equity in your home loan with this reverse mortgage calculator.
Fortnightly repayment calculator
Making loan repayments more frequently is always a good idea – find out how much you can save.
Mortgage switching calculator
Find out how much you could save by refinancing – and how much it will cost you in fees and charges with our calculator.
Rent vs buy calculator
Take the uncertainty out of decision-making by using our rent vs buy calculator to compare the true costs of renting versus buying a home.
Extra repayments calculator
Work out how many years you could shave off your mortgage by making additional repayments with this helpful extra repayments calculator.
Savings Calculators
Savings calculator
Watch your nest-egg grow with this handy savings calculator which will show you just how effective a savings plan can be over time.
Compound interest calculator
The power of compound interest only grows over time - and this our calculator will show you just how effective exponential growth is.
Budget planner
Our comprehensive budget planner will help you work out exactly where you spend your income or wages and where savings can be made.
Savings goal calculator - how long to save
Calculate how long it will take you to save up a nest-egg depending on your repayments and how often you make deposits into your account.
Savings goal calculator - how much to deposit
Find out how much you need to stash away per fortnight or month in order to achieve your savings goal with our savings goal calculator.
Income Tax Calculators
Income tax calculator
This calculator will work out how much income tax you’ll pay over the course of a year based on the Australian income tax brackets.
Income annualisation calculator
This calculator will project how much you’ll earn annually based on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly payslip showing your earnings.
Income gross up calculator
Calculate how much income tax you’ll pay over the course of a year, and what your annual gross income is based on your net income payslip.
Credit Card Calculators
Credit card calculator
This calculator will help you work out how long it will take you to repay your total balance if you pay the minimum repayment on your credit card.
The repayments shown using our calculators are an estimate, based on information you have provided. It is provided for illustrative purposes only and actual repayment amounts may vary.